Source code for flask_pluginkit.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Some tool classes and functions.

    :copyright: (c) 2019 by staugur.
    :license: BSD 3-Clause, see LICENSE for more details.

import json
import shelve
from semver.version import Version
from functools import cmp_to_key
from os.path import join, abspath
from tempfile import gettempdir
from collections import deque
from markupsafe import Markup
from flask import Response, jsonify
from ._compat import string_types, text_type, iteritems
from .exceptions import PluginError, NotCallableError
from typing import List, Any, Optional, Dict

def isValidPrefix(prefix: str, allow_none: bool = False) -> bool:
    """Check if it can be used for blueprint prefix"""
    if prefix is None and allow_none is True:
        return True
    if isinstance(prefix, string_types):
        return (
            and not prefix.endswith("/")
            and "//" not in prefix
            and " " not in prefix
    return False

[docs] def isValidSemver(version: str) -> bool: """Semantic version number - determines whether the version is qualified. The format is MAJOR.Minor.PATCH, more with """ if version and isinstance(version, string_types): return Version.is_valid(version) return False
[docs] def sortedSemver(versions: List[str], sort: str = "ASC") -> List[str]: """Semantically sort the list of version Numbers""" reverse = True if sort.upper() == "DESC" else False if versions and isinstance(versions, (list, tuple)): return sorted( versions, key=cmp_to_key(lambda v1, v2: Version.parse(v1).compare(v2)), reverse=reverse, ) else: raise TypeError("Invaild versions, a list or tuple is right.")
[docs] class BaseStorage(object): """This is the base class for storage. The available storage classes need to inherit from :class:`~BaseStorage` and override the `get` and `set` methods, it's best to implement the remote method as well. This base class customizes the `__getitem__`, `__setitem__` and `__delitem__` methods so that the user can call it like a dict. .. versionchanged:: 3.4.1 Change :attr:`index` to :attr:`DEFAULT_INDEX` """ #: The default index, as the only key, you can override it. DEFAULT_INDEX: str = "flask_pluginkit_dat" @property def index(self): """Get the final index .. versionadded:: 3.4.1 """ return getattr(self, "COVERED_INDEX", None) or self.DEFAULT_INDEX @index.setter def index(self, _covered_index: str): """Set the covered index .. versionadded:: 3.6.0 """ self.COVERED_INDEX = _covered_index def __getitem__(self, key: str): if hasattr(self, "get"): return self.get(key) else: raise AttributeError("Please override the get method") def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any): if hasattr(self, "set"): return self.set(key, value) else: raise AttributeError("Please override the set method") def __delitem__(self, key: str): if hasattr(self, "remove"): return self.remove(key) else: return False def __str__(self): return "<%s object at %s, index is %s>" % ( self.__class__.__name__, hex(id(self)), self.index, ) __repr__ = __str__
[docs] class LocalStorage(BaseStorage): """Local file system storage based on the shelve module.""" def __init__(self, path: Optional[str] = None): self.COVERED_INDEX = path or join(gettempdir(), self.DEFAULT_INDEX) def _open(self, flag: str = "c") -> shelve.Shelf: return filename=abspath(self.index), flag=flag, protocol=2, writeback=False, ) @property def list(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """list all data :returns: dict """ db = None try: db = self._open(flag="r") except Exception: return dict() else: return dict(db) finally: if db: db.close() def __ck(self, key: str) -> str: if not isinstance(key, text_type): key = key.decode("utf-8") return key
[docs] def set(self, key: str, value: Any): """Set persistent data with shelve. :param key: str: Index key :param value: All supported data types in python :raises: :returns: """ db = None try: db = self._open() db[self.__ck(key)] = value finally: if db: db.close()
[docs] def setmany(self, **mapping: Dict[str, Any]): """Set more data :param mapping: the more k=v .. versionadded:: 3.4.1 """ if mapping and isinstance(mapping, dict): db = self._open() for k, v in iteritems(mapping): db[self.__ck(k)] = v db.close()
[docs] def get(self, key: str, default: Any = None): """Get persistent data from shelve. :returns: data """ try: value = self.list[key] except KeyError: return default else: return value
def remove(self, key: str): db = self._open() del db[key] def __len__(self): return len(self.list)
[docs] class RedisStorage(BaseStorage): """Use redis stand-alone storage""" def __init__(self, redis_url=None, redis_connection=None): self._db = self._open(redis_url) if redis_url else redis_connection def _open(self, redis_url): try: from redis import from_url except ImportError: raise ImportError("Please install the redis module, eg: pip install redis") else: return from_url(redis_url) @property def list(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """list redis hash data""" return {k: json.loads(v) for k, v in iteritems(self._db.hgetall(self.index))}
[docs] def set(self, key: str, value: Any): """set key data""" return self._db.hset(self.index, key, json.dumps(value))
[docs] def setmany(self, **mapping: Dict[str, Any]): """Set more data :param mapping: the more k=v .. versionadded:: 3.4.1 """ if mapping and isinstance(mapping, dict): mapping = {k: json.dumps(v) for k, v in iteritems(mapping)} return self._db.hmset(self.index, mapping)
[docs] def get(self, key: str, default: Any = None) -> Any: """get key original data from redis""" v = self._db.hget(self.index, key) if v: if not isinstance(v, text_type): v = v.decode("utf-8") return json.loads(v) return default
[docs] def remove(self, key: str): """delete key from redis""" return self._db.hdel(self.index, key)
def __len__(self): return self._db.hlen(self.index)
[docs] class JsonResponse(Response): """In response to a return type that cannot be processed. If it is a dict, return json. .. versionadded:: 3.4.0 """
[docs] @classmethod def force_type(cls, rv, environ=None): if isinstance(rv, dict): rv = jsonify(rv) return super(JsonResponse, cls).force_type(rv, environ)
class Attribution(dict): """A dict that allows for object-like property access syntax.""" def __getattr__(self, name): try: return self[name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(name)
[docs] class DcpManager(object): def __init__(self): self._listeners = {} @property def list(self): return self._listeners
[docs] def push(self, event, callback, position="right"): """Connect a dcp, push a function. :param event: a unique identifier name for dcp. :param callback: corresponding to the event to perform a function. :param position: the position of the insertion function, right(default) or left. The default right is inserted at the end of the event, and left is inserted into the event first. :raises PluginError: the param event or position error :raises NotCallableError: the param callback is not callable .. versionadded:: 3.2.0 """ if event and isinstance(event, string_types): if not callable(callback): raise NotCallableError("The event %s cannot be called" % event) if position not in ("left", "right", "after", "before"): raise PluginError("Invalid position") if event not in self._listeners: self._listeners[event] = deque([callback]) elif position in ("left", "before"): self._listeners[event].appendleft(callback) else: self._listeners[event].append(callback) else: raise PluginError("Invalid event")
[docs] def remove(self, event, callback): """Remove a callback again.""" try: self._listeners[event].remove(callback) except (KeyError, ValueError): return False else: return True
[docs] def emit(self, event, *args, **kwargs): """Emits events for the template context. :returns: strings with :class:`~flask.Markup` """ results = [] funcs = self._listeners.get(event) or [] for f in funcs: rv = f(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(rv, (list, tuple)): rv = "".join(rv) if rv: if not isinstance(rv, text_type): rv = rv.decode("utf-8") results.append(rv) return Markup("".join(results))
def allowed_uploaded_plugin_suffix(filename: str) -> bool: """Check suffix for uploaded filename .. versionadded:: 3.3.0 """ allow_suffix = [".tar.gz", ".tgz", ".zip"] if isinstance(filename, string_types): for suffix in allow_suffix: if filename.endswith(suffix): return True return False def check_url(addr: str) -> bool: """Check whether UrlAddr is in a valid format, for example:: http://ip:port .. versionadded:: 3.3.0 """ from re import compile, IGNORECASE regex = compile( r"^(?:http)s?://" r"(?:(?:[A-Z0-9](?:[A-Z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Z0-9])?\.)+" r"(?:[A-Z]{2,6}\.?|[A-Z0-9-]{2,}\.?)|" r"localhost|" r"\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})" r"(?::\d+)?" r"(?:/?|[/?]\S+)$", IGNORECASE, ) if addr and isinstance(addr, string_types): if regex.match(addr): return True return False